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5 Things about non-verbal communication:

The 5 Rules to pull a girl without speaking!
( corresponding to askmen.com)

1- The Resonant Voice

How you say your words is more important than the actual words themselves. How you say your words is what will bypass a woman's critical mind and directly stimulate her limbic brain into feeling attraction -- or not.

You want your voice to sound rich and full, soothing and warm -- in other words, resonant. You don't want to sound whispery and raspy, nasal and thin, or whiny and grating.

A deeply resonant voice spoken with a slow, sexy tempo and volume is sexually hypnotic. With a sexy voice, you can grab a woman's attention in an instant, relax her, make her feel good, and do it all with an aura of confidence and authority. Many women will sleep with a man just because of how his voice makes them feel inside.

2- The Warm Smile
The reason to smile is simple. A smile shows that you're an open, friendly and relaxed person. A smile says without words, "I'm in a good mood. I'm enjoying myself. Being around me makes others feel good too because my good mood is so infectious."

Ever notice how much more friendly and inviting a smiling woman is? A woman with a smile on her face is more approachable than a woman with a frown. Her smile tells you that she's a friendly person.

And smiling is contagious. People have a natural reaction to smile when they see yours, making them feel open, friendly and relaxed on the inside.

And it doesn't matter whether you have a perfect smile or not. Scientific studies show that women respond to the act of your smile rather than how perfect it is or white your teeth are. The act of smiling is what shows to others that you're friendly, open and confident. The act of smiling is what triggers the good feelings in women.

3- Princely Posture
Good body language and posture communicates strength, comfort and sexiness while poor body language and posture communicates nervous energy and lack of confidence.

Again, your body language and posture is not something that women will process consciously. Their limbic brain is either turned on and attracted, or turned off. So no matter whom you are, no matter what your position in life, no matter what kind of women you're interested in, you'll need to master control over your own body to sexually attract women.

The first step toward good body language is to move deliberately and in a controlled fashion, with purpose. Unnecessary movements come across to women as nervous tics.

Generally you want to keep an open posture about you. Having an open posture -- uncrossing your arms, keeping your hands apart and keeping an open stance with your legs -- shows that you're relaxed, receptive and friendly, and visually sends sexual cues directly to a woman's limbic brain.

Your head, your shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles should be in a straight, vertical line, not hunched over, and you should stand with your weight evenly distributed between both feet, not slouching over on the right or left.

Keeping an open, clean body posture in such a way and moving with purpose will attract women on a level beyond their control.

4- Sexy Scent
Study after study has demonstrated that a woman's sense of smell is much more powerful than a man's. In fact, with certain kinds of scents, a woman's sense of smell is up to 100 times more powerful than a man's. Women can even detect mild body odor from over three feet away.

And there's a direct connection from a woman's olfactory glands to her limbic brain -- so your scent is either working for you or against you.

Fortunately, since women can pick up on body odor so easily, you can exploit that limbic brain of theirs and smell good to turn them on sexually. That's why, not only do you want to be clean and fresh, but you'll want to wear cologne on a regular basis to create attraction in women.

5- Powerful Eye Contact
Eye contact is one of your most powerful tools. Your eyes can do far more talking than your words. They can make a woman feel uneasy and excited, and women use it as a huge measure of your self-confidence.

During a conversation with a woman, don't dart your eyes or look away too much, as it makes you look uncomfortable and nervous. Linger longer on her eyes than you would normally, almost as if your eyes stick to hers like soft glue.

This kind of strong, long-lasting eye contact releases phenylethylamine (PEA), a chemical that accelerates attraction, particularly in women. Some call this the copulatory gaze because people who love each other not only make much more eye contact while talking, but they're also more hesitant to take their eyes off each other, even after they finish speaking.

And when you do look away, look away reluctantly. Drag your eyes away slowly, as though they're stuck with soft glue.

hm, if this is true?? http://www.askmen.com/dating/curtsmith_100/146_dating_advice_a.html
